
By Craig Chamberlain, Assoc. AIA, October 18, 2017

FROM :www.aia.org

新兴行业人员在华盛顿PERKINS + WILL办公室展示了虚拟现实技术,这将有助于确定下一代建筑师。





“更小,更当地的公司往往在他们各自的社区有更深的根源,”AIA纽约设计师Daniel Horn说,“因此,设计师可以有更有意义的影响,因为他们可以识别与超本地的设计有关的问题。”年轻的一代表现出对设计的兴趣,这不仅看起来不错,而且为社区、人们和环境提供了真正效益。

“理想情况是,在80后和老一代之间进行知识和培训的公平交流,教育和提升整个公司。“-Jack Bialosky, Jr., FAIA

已经成长为数字原住民的新一代建筑师对新技术十分满意; 我们接受可能影响实践模式的改变。如起草、营销和项目管理的自动化等进展; 智能合同; 人工智能; 和虚拟现实/可视化已经或即将影响我们设计,记录和管理项目的方式。80后很容易接受这些技术上的进步,并在使用它们之后寻找新的挑战。

“80后可以在推动公司前进方面扮演重要角色; 作为数字原住民,他们在两个主要领域产生影响:沟通和可视化,“ FAIA,Bialosky Cleveland高级负责人Jack Bialosky,Jr.说,“80后将外部沟通提升到一个新的层次,并将其定义为世界与公司连接的一种手段。在可视化方面,他们是虚拟现实、三维建模和高超科技的大使,可以为设计和实践提供信息。与他们前辈不同的是,凭借这些倾向和知识,80后以与企业类型不同的货币进入劳动力市场,并在竞争中占据一席之地。理想情况是,在80后和老一代之间进行知识和培训的公平交流,教育和提升整个公司。“


“由于文化冲突,在安克雷奇的八年时间里我从两个办公室搬到这里,”AIA在阿拉斯加执业的一位年轻建筑师Melissa Morse说,“在全国各地旅行时,你的文化伴随着你; 对我而言,我把中西部地区的思想带到了西部思想环境。我花了这么长时间来适应这里人员和公司的速度、期望和界限。现在,我已经允许我在这个市场的独特之处成为我运营的基础。我是努力、奉献、投入和关怀的建筑师。“


【Craig Chamberlain, Assoc. AIA是肯塔基州莱克星顿JRA Architects的设计师。他一直是新兴专业人士的热情倡导者,如肯塔基州的2014-2015年国家副主任,2016-2017俄亥俄谷地区副主任,以及2018-2019年度AIA全国联合委员会代表主任。】


The shifting architectural workforce: What does it mean for our future?

By Craig Chamberlain, Assoc. AIA, 

October 18, 2017

An emerging professional and millennial offers his perspective on the future of the workforce and firm culture

The architectural workforce is experiencing a pivotal shift. There are three distinct generations of professionals practicing today: baby boomers, Generation X, and millennials. Baby boomers and Generation X have had an undeniable impact on the propelling of the profession into the 21st century, but millennials are quickly becoming the majority and will soon set the prevailing culture of the workforce.

While baby boomers are often thought of as being more entrepreneurial and Generation X as more management oriented, millennials display different traits. We are more communicative and dependent, which leads us to a desire for more collaborative experiences and outcomes. Our interests span social justice, sustainability, and the impact of design, and this changes how we seek employment. Many of us are drawn to smaller firms that create social, equitable, and just design.

“Smaller, more local firms often have deeper roots in their respective communities,” says New York-based designer Daniel Horn, Assoc. AIA. “As a result, they can have more meaningful impacts as designers that can identify hyper-local design related issues.” The younger generation demonstrates an interest in design that doesn’t just look good but provides genuine benefits for communities, people, and the environment.

Having grown up as digital natives, the rising generation of architects is comfortable with new technologies; we embrace changes that can affect practice models. Advances such as automation for drafting, marketing, and project management; smart contracts; artificial intelligence; and virtual reality/visualization are already—or soon will be—affecting the way we design, document, and manage projects. Millennials easily embrace these technological advances and seek out new challenges after using them.


“Ideally, a fair exchange of knowledge and training occurs between millennials and older generations that educates and elevates the entire firm.” -  Jack Bialosky, Jr., FAIA


“Millennials can play an instrumental role in propelling a firm forward; as digital natives, they influence in two main spheres: communication and visualization,” says Jack Bialosky, Jr., FAIA, senior principal of Bialosky Cleveland. “Millennials take external communications to a new level, and define it as a means for the world to interface with your firm. In terms of visualization, millennials have been ambassadors of virtual reality, 3D modeling, and heightened technology that inform both design and practice. It is with these proclivities and knowledge that millennials, unlike their predecessors, enter the workforce with a very different type of currency to firms, and earn a seat at the table. Ideally, a fair exchange of knowledge and training occurs between millennials and older generations that educates and elevates the entire firm.”

Firm culture is front of mind for emerging professionals today, and is gaining importance among the profession as a whole. The combination of culture and meaningful work is often outweighing compensation or security for millennial architects and design professionals. We look for work environments that are fun and interactive, where there is collaboration inside and out of the office, or the ability to work remotely. These characteristics lead to an essential component of a company’s culture: work-life balance, or the prioritization of a career and lifestyle.

“I have moved on from two offices in my eight years in Anchorage due to culture clashes,” says Melissa Morse, AIA, a young architect practicing in Alaska. “When moving across the country, your culture comes with you; for me, I brought a Midwest mindset to a West Coast setting. It has taken me this long to adjust to the speed, expectations, and boundaries of the people and companies here. Now, I have allowed my uniqueness in this market to become the base of which I operate. I am the hardworking, giving, involved, and caring architect.”

Cultural standards are necessary for firms to attract, protect, and retain employees. However, not every firm is the same, and cultural standards will—and should—differ between firms and even among multiple offices within the same company.

The question is not whether millennials will have an impact, but to what extent and with how much resistance. As time progresses and this generation becomes the majority, will they have to struggle with older generations for control? Regardless, it is likely that their viewpoints will come to define present-day firm culture, as the viewpoints of other generations have before them.


Craig Chamberlain, Assoc. AIA, is a designer at JRA Architects in Lexington, Kentucky. He has been a passionate advocate for emerging professionals as Kentucky's 2014-2015 State Associate Director, the 2016-2017 Ohio Valley Regional Associate Director, and a 2018-2019 At-large Director for the AIA's National Associates Committee.


“一米,改变千里”原意来自“世上无难事,只要肯登攀”,出处为毛泽东的词: 水调歌头,重上井冈山,1965 年 5 月久有凌云志,重上井冈山,千里来寻故地, 旧貌变新颜,到处莺歌燕舞,更有潺潺流水,高路入云端,过了黄洋界,险处不须看,风雷动,旌旗奋,是人寰。


《苟日新,日日新,又日新》选自中国儒家经典礼记.大学》,该章为《大学》的第二章,《大学》原本是《礼记》中一篇,传为孔子弟子曾参(前505434年)战国时期作。主要讲述了苟日新,日日新,又日新” 就是从勤于省身和动态的角度来强调及时反省和不断革新,加强思想革命化的问题关键。是中国古代的商朝帝王成汤的座右铭,倡导代表人类不断发展和积极进取的精神,是一个日积月累的变化,从量变到达质变的必然趋势和结果,是人类思想进步和物质创新的哲学。


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