Dezeen推荐 十大设计师必住的酒店
酒店设计的形式始于80年代中期,源于世界著名设计师Phillippe Starck,其设计理念是:将一种文化概念的美丽升华为人文概念的美好。


2018年的所有假期都规划好要去哪玩了吗?美国编辑Dan Howarth已经为那些有设计意识的旅行者挑选出了10家最好的酒店,可城市观光,可海滩度假,也可乡村旅行。

阿丽拉,中国·桂林,由Vector Architects设计

Vector Architects将位于桂林阳朔县的一家废弃糖厂改造成了这家度假酒店,其特色是一组山墙砌体结构,特殊的设计补充现有的工业建筑。酒店坐落在喀斯特石灰岩地貌的两个小山头之间,附近地区成为喜欢照相的游客欣赏风景如画的最佳选择。



The Krane,丹麦·哥本哈根,由Arcgency设计

Eden Locke,英国·爱丁堡,由Grzywinski + Pons设计
纽约工作室Grzywinski + Pons的设计与18世纪的石材外观形成鲜明对比,酒店内部采用柔和色的墙壁,用柳条家具和丰富的种植进行特色装饰。工作室选择了一个热带材料调色板,与格鲁吉亚梯田房子形成对比,并增强了从大窗户涌入的苏格兰灯光的暖色调。

Anack Hotel,美国·布鲁克林,由Studio Tack设计
位于布鲁克林的Studio Tack将一系列破败的建筑变成了一个舒适的休憩场所,酒店靠近Teton山和黄石国家公园。Anvil Hotel酒店的49间客房分布在一幢一层和一幢两层的建筑群中,最初在20世纪50年代建成,是一家汽车旅馆。

At Six, 瑞典·斯德哥尔摩,由Universal Design Studio设计
At Six酒店位于斯德哥尔摩一个前银行总部,是欧洲最重要的酒店艺术收藏品之一。总部位于伦敦的环球设计工作室(Universal Design Studio)进行了一次完整的室内装修工程,在瑞典首都布伦肯伯格广场打造了一间拥有343间客房的豪华酒店,并设计了一个新的入口。

Barceló Torre de,西班牙·马德里,由Jaime Hayón设计
西班牙设计师Jaime Hayón将阿拉伯和摩尔人的细节与他的标志性的俏皮美学相结合,旨在通过“西班牙过去的视觉旅程”将游客带到马德里的这家酒店。在1957年的建筑基础上,酒店在传统的建筑元素里融入了珠宝色的调色板以及精美的雕塑和艺术作品。

Casa Flora,意大利·威尼斯,由Diego Paccagnella设计
为了将现代设计带入威尼斯运河,超过20多家意大利公司为Casa Flora度假公寓生产定制家具。成品是一个短期租赁,里面装满了整套新产品,并模仿了传统的威尼斯风格酒店里的精品酒店的感觉。

Koti, 法国·巴黎, 由Linda Bergroth设计

Koti酒店由设计师Linda Bergroth设计。入住巴黎Koti酒店的旅客,将会沉浸在一种芬兰式体验中。客人可以选择入住六间小木屋中的任意一间,所有人还可以围坐在由设计师Mattila和Merz设计的餐桌旁,品尝经典的芬兰早餐。

Dezeen's top 10 hotels of 2017
Dan Howarth
Already looking ahead to next year's vacation? US editor Dan Howarth has picked out 10 of the best hotels for the design-conscious traveller – for city breaks, beach holidays or rural escapes – for our review of 2017.
Alila Yangshuo, China, by Vector Architects
Vector Architects transformed a disused sugar mill in China's mountainous Yangshuo County into this resort hotel, featuring a group of gabled masonry structures designed to complement the existing industrial architecture.
The hotel is situated in a col between two of the karst mountains that makes the area in the Guangxi region a popular destination for tourists looking to take in the picturesque scenery.
Tulum Treehouse, Mexico, by CO-LAB Design Office
This white-concrete guest house in the Mexican resort of Tulum is surrounded by dense tropical foliage, which can be viewed from above thanks to a large roof terrace.
The five-bedroom private guest retreat is faced in polished white concrete and set back from the main beach road – adjacent to the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve.
The Krane, Denmark, by Arcgency
Architecture firm Arcgency has turned an industrial coal crane in a Copenhagen harbour into a luxury two-person retreat, including sleeping facilities and a private spa.
Located on the edge of Nordhavn, one of the last harbours under renovation in Denmark's capital, The Krane sits on the waterfront and accessed by a drawbridge-like staircase.
Eden Locke Hotel, Scotland, by Grzywinski + Pons
Pastel-coloured walls, wicker furniture and an abundance of planting feature inside this Edinburgh hotel, which New York studio Grzywinski + Pons has designed to contrast with its 18th-century stone exterior.
The studio chose a tropical material palette to contrast with the Georgian terraced houses, and enhance the warm colour of the Scottish light that floods in from the large windows.
Anvil Hotel, USA, by Studio Tack
Brooklyn-based Studio Tack transformed a set of run-down structures into this cosy retreat, close to the rugged landscape of the Teton mountains and Yellowstone National Park.
The Anvil Hotel's 49 rooms are split over a collection of one- and two-storey buildings, which were first built as a motel in the 1950s.
The Ned, England, by Soho House
A former bank in the City of London designed in 1924 by British architect Edwin "Ned" Lutyens was converted into this lavish hotel, club and dining venue by Soho House, named The Ned in his honour.
Featuring bars in the former bank vaults and multiple restaurants in the vast ground floor banking hall, the development is the latest project by the exclusive members' club chain.
At Six, Sweden, by Universal Design Studio
Located in a brutalist former bank headquarters in Stockholm, the At Six hotel is home to one of Europe's most significant hotel art collections.
London-based Universal Design Studio carried out a complete interior renovation to create the 343-room luxury hotel in the Swedish capital's Brunkebergstorg Square, and also designed a new entrance.
Barceló Torre de Madrid, Spain, by Jaime Hayón
Spanish designer Jaime Hayón aimed to take visitors to this hotel in Madrid on a "visual journey through Spain's past" by combining Arabic and Moorish details with his signature playful aesthetic.
Set inside a 1957 building, it features a mix of traditional architectural elements, and a jewel-toned colour palette with fantastical sculpture and art pieces.
Casa Flora, Italy, by Diego Paccagnella
More than 20 Italian companies produced custom furniture for the Casa Flora holiday apartment, which aims to bring contemporary design to the canals of Venice.
The finished product is a short-term rental that is filled with a whole household's worth of new pieces, and emulates the feel of a boutique hotel in a traditional Venetian house.
Koti, France, by Linda Bergroth
Visitors to the Koti hotel at the Institut Finlandais in Paris, conceived by designer Linda Bergroth, will be immersed in a Finnish experience.
Guests have the option to stay in one of six wooden cabins located around the parameter of the room, and all eat a typically Finnish breakfast together around a table designed by architects Mattila & Merz.
文章来源:《Dezeen's top 10 hotels of 2017》,Dan Howarth

“一米,改变千里”原意来自“世上无难事,只要肯登攀”,出处为毛泽东的词: 水调歌头,重上井冈山,1965 年 5 月久有凌云志,重上井冈山,千里来寻故地, 旧貌变新颜,到处莺歌燕舞,更有潺潺流水,高路入云端,过了黄洋界,险处不须看,风雷动,旌旗奋,是人寰。


《苟日新,日日新,又日新》选自中国儒家经典礼记.大学》,该章为《大学》的第二章,《大学》原本是《礼记》中一篇,传为孔子弟子曾参(前505434年)战国时期作。主要讲述了苟日新,日日新,又日新” 就是从勤于省身和动态的角度来强调及时反省和不断革新,加强思想革命化的问题关键。是中国古代的商朝帝王成汤的座右铭,倡导代表人类不断发展和积极进取的精神,是一个日积月累的变化,从量变到达质变的必然趋势和结果,是人类思想进步和物质创新的哲学。


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